Wednesday Evening Meeting Readings
One's Place
Ps 15: 1 – 3
Ps. 18: 1-3, 18-19
Genesis 20: 1-18
Genesis 26: 6 – 32
Mark 1: 9 it, 35 – 45
John 13: 31 when, 36-38 (to comma)
John 14: 1-3
Heb 11: 8-10
Isaiah 57: 15
72: 9 As – 16
327: 17-3
71: 1-4
232: 32-7
469: 21 – 24, 30 – 470: 20
470: 23-5
471: 19-21
Christian Science Hymnal
words only
Hymn 44
Felicia D. Hemans
König’s Choralbuch, arr. by W. H. Havergal
Come to the land of peace; From shadows come away; Where all the sounds of weeping cease, And storms no more have sway.
Fear hath no dwelling here; But pure repose and love Breathe through the bright, celestial air The spirit of the dove.
In this divine abode, Change leaves no saddening trace; Come, trusting heart, come to thy God, Thy holy resting-place.
Hymn 227
William Cowper
Schicht’s Choralbuch, 1819
O Lord, where’er Thy people meet, There they behold Thy mercy seat; Where’er they seek Thee, Thou art found, And every place is hallowed ground.
For Thou, within no walls confined, Dwellest with them of humble mind; Such ever bring Thee where they come; And where Thou art they find their home.
Here we may prove the power of prayer To strengthen faith and sweeten care; To teach our faint desires to rise, And bring all heaven before our eyes.
Hymn 99
Ninety-First Psalm I
Adapted from Tate and Brady
John E. Gould, arr. by W. E. Young
He that hath God his guardian made, Shall underneath th’ Almighty’s shade Fearless and undisturbed abide; Thus to myself of Him I’ll say, He is my fortress, shield and stay, My God; in Him I will confide.
His tender love and watchful care Shall free thee from the fowler’s snare, From every harm and pestilence. He over thee His wings shall spread To cover thy unguarded head. His truth shall be thy strong defense.
He gives His angels charge o’er thee, No evil therefore shalt thou see; Thy refuge shall be God most high; Dwelling within His secret place, Thou shalt behold His power and grace, See His salvation ever nigh.